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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chicken Broth

Tonight we gave Charlotte Chicken in Broth for the first time – guess what?? She hated it!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Night With The Pegg's

Tonight all three of us spent the evening with Ryan and Marcie! We ordered pizza and just hung out for a few hours. It was really a lot of fun and I wish I had remembered to take pictures! That’s what happened sometimes with n you are having a great time, you forget to memorialize the moments!

Happy 7 Month Birthday Charlotte

This picture is pure Charlotte!

This is what happens now when you put Charlotte in her crib, she starts to pull right up.

This is Charlotte’s “official” 7 month picture. This is one that tracks her growth from birth to current with how well she is growing into this twelve month onesie.

Charlotte At 7 Months Old

Charlotte Morgan Chambers At 7 Months Old

Nick Name: Charlotte Bunny
Eye Color: Leaning more toward greenish gray
Feature most like dad: Quizzical eyebrow raise
Feature most like mom: Smile
Firsts this month: Sitting up all by herself, with a pillow behind her “just in case”. Rolling to get around – EVERYWHERE! Pulling up to knees and feet in her crib – had to lower the crib to the next setting! Pushing up to her knees and rocking a few times.
Smiles when: Anytime she sees Daddy, Mommy, Nanny or Grandma, Charlotte smiles on the spot. She loves to be tickled and to hear people sneeze.
Favorite activity: She really entertains herself well. The only hitch is if she gets rolling so much she gets herself stuck under a piece of furniture. Then she is NOT a happy camper! Toys she likes right now are a sit up “desk” play center and a play table (that sits on the floor for now) which features signing fruit and soup – don’t ask us?!?
Size Clothing: Charlotte has been wearing nine month onesies for about a month and a half and is now starting to fill them out much more. For pants she has finally caught up and is now almost exclusively wearing size nine months. She just got her first pair of jeans and looks adorable in them! Charlotte has worn “real” shoes, in size two, a few times.
Sleep Schedule: Basically taking two naps a day, not counting quick cat naps in the car. Still sleeps thru the night from about 9pm to 8am. She really likes to snuggle with Daddy at the end of the night while he hums video game theme songs to help her settle down. We recently moved her swing into her bedroom and use that sometimes to help settle her down if the video game humming is not quite enough.
Doesn’t like: To be “stuck” on the changing table for very long and pushes herself into a sitting position at every opportunity – it’s a pain! She also did not like her few first tastes of chicken.
Cries when: She is overtired from not taking a nap, hungry, bored with what she is doing or stuck from rolling.
Must have travel item: She cannot be without her duck lovie blanket. Aunt Sancha gifted the lovie at Erin’s Baby Shower and we recently started giving it to Charlotte. Now when she sees it she starts reaching for the blanket and kicking her legs. Still loves the frog activity bar that attaches to her infant carrier (Thanks again “Aunt Lauren”).
Eating: Charlotte is eating solid foods and formula at this point. She has already gone through all the stage one baby foods and like everything but the meats. We just started giving her stage two – we can’t wait to see what she thinks of all the new foods she can try.
Things we find MOST endearing: Her smile, it’s just so precious to see her eyes light up – and impossible to truly capture on film – but it’s getting better. Her laugh is also adorable but very hard won, she doesn’t just laugh at anything, you have to work really hard to get her to do it. But once she does start your day just gets brighter and brighter.
New skills: Charlotte really gets around by rolling and pulling herself everywhere. She started to push up to her knees and rock a little too. Now Charlotte also pulls up in her crib rails and ALMOST pulls up to her feet.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Erin, Go Back To Bed

Ugh, today was one of those days when you’re sure you should have stayed in bed! Although Charlotte acted fine yesterday, this morning she just cried and cried unless I was cuddling with her. Today is a work day and so we were VERY late getting to work. My keys fell into the sewer grate, yep its not just for the movies! I was in a panic because the SAAB key is like $300. to replace, unfortunately we’ve done that once before! Luckily a building worker was kind enough to go “where no man should go” as he said. To top the day off we had to cancel our plans with the Pegg’s. We just were not sure Charlotte would be up to a night out and to tell you the truth I am worn out from my day too! Luckily we were able to reschedule dinner for tomorrow night!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Doctor Visit, Photo Shoot & Lunch

This morning Wayne and I took Charlotte to the Doctor for her first sick visit. We initially made the appointment thinking she had allergies because she was congested, sneezing a lot and had some nasal dripping. But Dr. Fisk said she was starting to get an ear AND nasal infection! Even though she was getting sick, you would not have known it because she acted normally and was as sweet as ever. Poor Baby! The doctor congratulated us for keeping her healthy for so long and said that with antibiotics the infections would not have time to take hold before going away. Charlotte was weighed and is already 17 pounds and 11 ounces!

Well the day just continued to stay busy as Charlotte and I were scheduled to take mom/baby photos at our Mother Baby Connection class today. I felt a little guilty taking her right after finding out she has and ear infection and nasal infection but we’d RSVP’d and she seemed fine. So I got Charlotte all dressed up in this cute outfit from Auntie Rosie. It is a two piece outfit embroidered on the edges with hearts and flowers, just adorable on her. Of course with Murphy’s Law, Charlotte – who really does not spit up that often, spit up ALL OVER her cute outfit. Luckily I packed a back up that we were able to take pictures in. It’s not as cute but worked in a pinch. Well have to try Rosie’s outfit another time!

After class Melissa, Rider, Charlotte and I had a fun lunch together even if the location left a lot to be desired!

I am including a picture of Charlotte and Gabriella at class, Charlotte is wearing her cute outfit from Auntie Rosie. The black and white picture is one taken during the photo shoot.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Package From Auntie Rosie

Today we got a surprise package from Wayne’s sister Rosie! She sent Charlotte some VERY cute outfits including one, pink pants with a silk like top that has a retro print, that I wish they made in adult sizes! This gift came at a great time because a photographer is coming to our Mom Baby Connection class tomorrow and now Charlotte has the perfect outfit. Thanks Auntie Rosie!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Brennan

Today Wayne, Charlotte and I attended our nephew Brennan’s first Birthday party. We had such a great time with everyone celebrating Brennan’s big day. Sancha decided on under the sea for the theme, which is great because kinda like his bedroom decorations. As always the kids kept us busy - these days we spend most of our time watching their fun antics.

My mom made Brennan’s Sea Turtle cakes, one for everyone to share and a special small Sea Turtle for Brennan to devour. He was so cute during the cake devouring portion of the day; I don’t think he liked getting his hands “dirty” with the cake.

We had so much fun; I decided to create a slide show of the pictures so that I could share them all!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Bigger Bath Time

For awhile now Charlotte has been doing great sitting up on her own. We still put pillows or the Boppy behind her, just in case, but most of the time she does just fine on her own. Now that she has mastered sitting up its time to move her to the blow up bathtub. Last week my mom and I tried to blow the thing up and almost passed out. So, tonight after Wayne got himself a little lightheaded too – he pulled out the big gun – the bike pump.

I thought it would be funny to put the tub on our bed and put Charlotte in it so that the tube would blow up around her. I really thought she would think it was neat – I don’t know what I was thinking, she HATED that experience. Just cried and cried….needless to say, I took her in the other room after such a traumatic experience.

Once Wayne got the tub together we decided to try it on our kitchen countertop. Its work really well for the infant bath and as tall people it’s the perfect height for us. Charlotte really did great and did not slip or lose her balance once. She also liked having more room to play with toys – I am sure we overdid it with so many toys – and splash around.

I took some video of her with one of the toys, just one of the many things she does that makes us laugh. So many of my friends think Charlotte is a really laidback baby – and she is in public – this is Charlotte at home!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Tonight Charlotte tried applesauce for the first time! She loved it and we probably could have gotten her to eat more … but she was getting tired and distracted by the dogs!

Playing with Daddy

Tonight, right before dinner Wayne sat Charlotte down in-between the sofa cushions while he emptied his pockets into a little catchall dish on the sofa table. All I could think was "what is he doing"? Anyway, Charlotte loved being able to stand up and it was actually a safe place for her to bounce around! Wayne started playing peek-a-boo with her and got her laughing so hard. After a while, either her little legs gave out or she lost her balance because she slumped down into the crack of the bottom cushion. Even though she is not crawling yet somehow she manages to get around quite a bit and having her mobility restricted did NOT make her happy – or maybe it was her parents laughing at her!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another Day With Nanny & Auntie Gwen

Today Charlotte spent the day with her Nanny (Wayne’s Mom) and Auntie Gwen. Since Sonia is on vacation this week she was able to keep Charlotte two days for us. They had a great time today and even took a trip to Perkins where Charlotte sat in the high chair like a big girl. She always has such a great time with them and we feel so lucky that they can see her so often too.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mommy & Me: Tijuana Flats Lunch

Today Charlotte and I met the M&M’s at Tijuana Flats for lunch. It was a small group today but included two new faces - Siobhan & Asher. It was great to more of the kids have graduated to highchairs, including Charlotte. She had a great time flirting with Blake, the older man at eight months old. I was also glad that Hillary and Melanie came to the lunch even though their baby girls had other plans for the day. Tomorrow night some of the M&M are going to get together for dinner and a movie sans babies, I am really looking forward to that!

Sink Bath?

Grandma decided Charlotte’s bath should be in the sink again tonight! So, out went the dished in went the baby. Sometimes it’s so hard to get a good picture of Charlotte with the delay of digital photography and insane flash! These are really just funny pictures – not great ones of Charlotte. Grandma on the other hand looks pretty good! :)


Tonight Grandma gave Charlotte her first taste of applesauce. Guess what – she liked it! Looks like we’re starting a trend…

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Charlotte's Door Hanger

What a day, look what Mr. Postman had for us! This beautiful piece of artwork was made by Andrea of The Metal Daisy in Tupelo, Mississippi – where I happen to have some family! (Hi Aunt Cindy, Uncle Monte and Brent) Anyway I happened upon her blog, got a look at her work and just fell in love. Charlotte had to have one of her very own! Thanks to The Metal Daisy, she does! Andrea took the bedding in Charlotte’s room as her inspiration and created this beautiful door hanger – yahoo!

Goodies From Lauren Eddy

Look what Mr. FedEx delivered today! A great box full of goodies from Lauren – she is SO thoughtful! She made two adorable flannel baby blankets for Charlotte – real funky kitty pattern and a fun frog pattern. She knows how much I like frogs. She also made a burp cloth out of the kitty pattern, God knows I need as many of those as I can get! The box also had new pictures of baby Liam, two magazines, rub on vinyl letters and coupons. Now tell me how she has time to do all of this with a five month old? She is amazing! Thank you Lauren for thinking of us!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Pears & Rice Cereal With Apple & Banana Juice

Tonight Charlotte tried Pears and really liked them. She also enjoyed Rice Cereal that I mixed up with Apple & Banana juice. It really seems like she liked her dinner tonight – one of the first times she ate everything and smacked her lips. We also gave her a teething biscuit which equals the mess you see in this picture. Could be Charlotte is just starting to get the hang of the whole solid food thing… either way she had a great time and so did we!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurray Wayne is Home!

I picked Wayne up at the airport this afternoon, he’s finally home! Charlotte and I both missed him a bunch!

New Pictures From The (Tony) Chambers Family

We just got pictures of Tony (Wayne’s brother), Elena and Reid’s family trip to St. Maarten. I had the hardest time trying to pick out a few pictures to post. They look like they were having a great vacation and all their photos were just so good! Reid (about seven weeks older than his cousin Charlotte) is growing so fast, he looks like a little man already – what a sweet baby! We have to get these cousins together ASAP!

Charlotte’s Day with Nanny & Auntie Gwen

Charlotte spent today with her Nanny (Wayne’s Mom) and Auntie Gwen (Wayne’s Sister). Gwen took so many cute pictures – like 100! I tried to narrow them down –they all are so great, Gwen needs to think about doing this professionally. Gwen did have a funny quote – she thinks that Charlotte is so used to seeing her Auntie Gwen with a camera on her face, Charlotte looks at her funny when there is no camera attached to her face! Poor kid probably feels the same way about me too! In these pictures you can see all of Charlotte’s new toys too. Nanny & Auntie Gwen save the day again – they went out and bought Charlotte so many neat things to pay with while she visits Nanny’s house. I just love how much fun Charlotte has when she visits with them. I can’t say it enough we are so lucky to have such great family!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Perfect Snuggle Moment

By the end of the night both Charlotte and my mom were so tired, they both fell asleep on the couch. Before she fell asleep Charlotte was trying to get at the remote sitting next to my mom, hence the side snuggle.