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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Charlotte’s Day with Nanny & Auntie Gwen

Charlotte spent today with her Nanny (Wayne’s Mom) and Auntie Gwen (Wayne’s Sister). Gwen took so many cute pictures – like 100! I tried to narrow them down –they all are so great, Gwen needs to think about doing this professionally. Gwen did have a funny quote – she thinks that Charlotte is so used to seeing her Auntie Gwen with a camera on her face, Charlotte looks at her funny when there is no camera attached to her face! Poor kid probably feels the same way about me too! In these pictures you can see all of Charlotte’s new toys too. Nanny & Auntie Gwen save the day again – they went out and bought Charlotte so many neat things to pay with while she visits Nanny’s house. I just love how much fun Charlotte has when she visits with them. I can’t say it enough we are so lucky to have such great family!

1 comment:

  1. Love her smiles! She looks like she's loves the camera. Don't they just eat this stuff up? Too cute!
