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Friday, September 19, 2008

Bigger Bath Time

For awhile now Charlotte has been doing great sitting up on her own. We still put pillows or the Boppy behind her, just in case, but most of the time she does just fine on her own. Now that she has mastered sitting up its time to move her to the blow up bathtub. Last week my mom and I tried to blow the thing up and almost passed out. So, tonight after Wayne got himself a little lightheaded too – he pulled out the big gun – the bike pump.

I thought it would be funny to put the tub on our bed and put Charlotte in it so that the tube would blow up around her. I really thought she would think it was neat – I don’t know what I was thinking, she HATED that experience. Just cried and cried….needless to say, I took her in the other room after such a traumatic experience.

Once Wayne got the tub together we decided to try it on our kitchen countertop. Its work really well for the infant bath and as tall people it’s the perfect height for us. Charlotte really did great and did not slip or lose her balance once. She also liked having more room to play with toys – I am sure we overdid it with so many toys – and splash around.

I took some video of her with one of the toys, just one of the many things she does that makes us laugh. So many of my friends think Charlotte is a really laidback baby – and she is in public – this is Charlotte at home!

1 comment:

  1. Blow up tubs are so much fun and they LOVE them. We have the ducky and Cristiana can't get enough of bath time since we've put her in it.
