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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Erin, Go Back To Bed

Ugh, today was one of those days when you’re sure you should have stayed in bed! Although Charlotte acted fine yesterday, this morning she just cried and cried unless I was cuddling with her. Today is a work day and so we were VERY late getting to work. My keys fell into the sewer grate, yep its not just for the movies! I was in a panic because the SAAB key is like $300. to replace, unfortunately we’ve done that once before! Luckily a building worker was kind enough to go “where no man should go” as he said. To top the day off we had to cancel our plans with the Pegg’s. We just were not sure Charlotte would be up to a night out and to tell you the truth I am worn out from my day too! Luckily we were able to reschedule dinner for tomorrow night!


  1. That sounds like something that would happen to me. At least it turned out okay!
