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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Amelia

This morning Charlotte and I headed out to Chapin Station Park in Winter Garden for Miss Amelia’s 3rd Birthday Party.  Amelia and her Mommy are friends from Mommy & Me.    

We arrived a TAD late because Charlotte was giving me a heck of a lesson on two year old negotiations.  She has started insisting on bringing an entourage of baby dolls and stuffed animals with her for every car ride/event/outing.   PLUS they must ALL be dressed appropriately …usually in Charlotte’s clothing… and yes, this includes underwear/diapers and a sweater if the weather is cool.  UGH!  Like any parents, we try to happily indulge her – to a POINT – while simultaneously encouraging Charlotte to HURRY IT UP.  Because, Charlotte NEVER decides that she needs SIX attendants until we are rushing out the door TEN minutes late!!!!!  The worst part???  Once properly clothed and toted to the car the “guests” are forgotten and usually can be found at the foot well only to be further humiliated by being smashed under her feet! 

I digress – we were LATE, as usual - and arrived just in time for the big Happy Birthday moment, which was adorable.  Amelia promptly chomped on her cupcake and was wearing very pink icing all over her face within seconds!  Adorable!

Charlotte did manage to have an amazing time with her friends playing on all of the playground equipment and tromping through a butterfly garden.  I am so impressed with how fearless and determined she can be when it comes to heights or difficult climbing.  She went down one VERY HIGH slide many times and I am not embarrassed to admit that I pulled the “Mommies can’t ride on those slides because they are only for kids” because it was too scary-high for me!  :)   

At one point – and I point out I was thrilled she even remembered to “bring” it with her – she insisted on taking her stuffed (and fashionably dressed) koala (thanks Uncle Tyler) up a spider web climbing –thingy…one handed no less!

We both had a great morning visiting with friends, playing in the playground and celebrating Miss Amelia’s big day!  Happy Birthday Amelia and thanks for having us!  

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