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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Charlotte’s Valentines

Thought I’d share some pictures of Charlotte preparing her Valentines this year.  We started with Olivia valentines (obviously, Charlotte’s favorite cartoon of the moment) for her preschool classmates and teachers, cousins, grandparents and (isn’t she sweet) her parents.  Charlotte amazed Wayne and I with how particular she was about who got which Valentine.  I read through each “type” of note with her and needed to reread them a few time but she just went to town picking who would receive which one.  She even changed her mind a few times…funny!  It was interesting that several times she wanted to give a “Girls Rule” valentine to some of the boys in her class.  I kept saying things like “Charlotte I think that one is for girls, maybe we should save that for a girl”, etc.  After saying this quite a few times Wayne just cracked me up when he chimed in with “Erin, maybe she is trying to make a point!”

Here she is painting valentines for her Granddad, Nanny and Grandma.  I’d originally envisioned Charlotte making very clear pictures of hearts with this neat foam roller I found.  However, I did not taken into consideration that she would not really understand how to use it, enjoying slathering on the paint more than anything!  Charlotte really did have a great time making the paintings but I think the final project is best summed up as “hearts in a snowstorm.”   Perfect, thanks Grandma for the apt description!

To go along with Charlotte’s offerings I also made chocolate heart cookie pops for her classmates and blueberry muffins for her teachers.  


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