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Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Cristiana!

This morning Charlotte and I were able to help her friend, Cristiana, celebrate her third birthday!  Cristiana is one of Charlotte’s friends from Mommy & Me, so the girls (and families) have known each other for basically their entire lives. :)

Cristiana had a jungle themed party and it was so adorable thanks to her creative mama, Maite.  CHECK OUT THIS CAKE – yep, Maite MADE this work of art!

The kids played all over their hugely kid friendly backyard, decorated their own binoculars and made bracelets with animal shaped beads.   

Charlotte brought her blue stuffed dog (thanks Uncle Tyler) as her "date" today and even made sure he was given a bite of Cristiana’s birthday cake, a seat next to her during craft time and a ride in the baby swing!!!!  She is very generous like that!

Charlotte has played at Cristiana’s quite a bit but today she especially LOVED jumping on their huge trampoline.  It’s great because the kids just go crazy while each parent mans one “edge” of the trampoline.  Parents even manage to “visit” with each other at the same time!   {Now we just need side tables to hold our wine, oh and we need wine too…I’ll add that to my list for our next visit!}

Happy, Happy Birthday Cristiana!  Thanks for including us in your big day, we had so much fun! 

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