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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Story Time Countdown to Christmas

This year, now that Charlotte is old enough to understand, Wayne and I really intend to ramp up the holiday cheer and teach her more about Christmas. One way we are doing that is by creating a Countdown to Christmas Book-A-Night tradition. I started just after Thanksgiving gathering all of the kids Christmas books we have, wrapping them up and numbering them to count down to Christmas. Cheep Dollar Store wrapping paper, books we already own..okay I did buy a few more to round us out, and TADA a tradition is born! As you know, we read to Charlotte EVERY night but this will add an element of fun to each evening.

Tonight, after working on decorating the house, we pulled out the first book (from a basket under the tree, of course) and Charlotte just LOVED opening her present. I don’t think she even realized that it was a book she had read MANY times before! :) I especially liked that we moved story time so that we read by our Christmas tree instead of her bedroom like we usually do. Anyway, we will continue to do this throughout the month…happy holiday reading to everyone!

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