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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Decorating

I am so happy to say that this year we picked out our Christmas tree BEFORE December and, so, it was trimmed and in the house ready to decorate today!!!! For the last few years, with Wayne working holiday hours and the end of the year being a busy time for me at work it seems like we quickly get behind in our decorating. This is always sad for me because everything is rushed and then you don’t get to enjoy the decorations as long as we’d like.

Anyway, this year we made sure to get on the ball and, so, here it is December 1st and we are already decorating the tree!!!! I really wasn’t feeling well tonight so I mostly wrapped gifts (yep, we even purchased some of our gifts early!) and helped keep Charlotte interested in the process while Wayne worked on the tree with Charlotte. We watched Christmas cartoons, sang some songs and explained the Christmas traditions to Charlotte while we worked. They had a great time and she was SO enthusiastic about getting the tree ready for SANTA.

Best parts of the night for me were:

How seriously Charlotte took helping her dad with the garland and ornaments

Charlotte whispering to her stuffed toy Santa and making him “walk” around the tree saying “Ho, ho, ho”

Charlotte “helping” me wrap gifts

Watching her trying to feed her stuffed toy reindeer a “candy” ornament…and trying to eat it herself!

It really was a great night, Merry Christmas!!!!

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