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Saturday, December 4, 2010

M&M: Frosty's Fiesta

This morning Charlotte and I headed out to Chapin Station Park in Winter Garden to celebrate the holidays without M&M friends. Kristin, Maite, and Monica outdid themselves again this year with Frosty’s Fiesta! The kids had a fantastic time playing in the two huge playgrounds, making ornaments, decorating cookies and exchanging secret Santa gifts. The party was really well attended and we were able to see many of our group that are not always able to join us. However, I spent a good portion of my time chasing after Charlotte and did not get many group pictures….

I just loved Charlotte’s independence on the playground equipment, nothing scares her and she HATES for Mama to help her or even stand too close “looking” like I might step in!

However, I really MUST thank Christiana’s Dad, Jamie, for stepping in on two occasions and saving Charlotte’s life before I could get to her. As we all know she is FAST and before I even knew it was almost to the parking lot before I could get to her!!!! Heart attacks aside, we both enjoyed the cookie decorating – my favorite – and although Charlotte would let me direct her a bit, the decorations were all her own and very seriously applied. :)

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