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Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Sanford Night Parade

Tonight Wayne, Charlotte and I met up with our friends Justin and Holly in Sanford to watch the night parade and have dinner. We did this last year and had an amazing time so we were really looking forward to it!

We decided to have dinner first at our favorite restaurant in Sanford, The Willow Tree. Yummy German food and beer, how can you go wrong? Charlotte does really well with eating the authentic food, as long as we can distract her from the Gummy Bears the serve with kids meals… EVERYONE pitched in to help keep Charlotte on task! Just as we were finishing our dinner the parade started so we quickly settled up and headed out.

The night parade is fantastic and I think the marching bands, and there were several, were our favorite part. I was particularly impressed with a huge middle school band, although I can’t remember which school it was. Charlotte spent much of the parade on either Wayne or Justin’s shoulders clapping, bouncing, waiving and saying Merry Christmas! It was so sweet! She also really liked to point out the dancers that were with the marching bands. I tried to get some pictures of her but she was camera shy and just kept using Ducky up to cover her face! Toward the end of the parade Justin treated us all to hot chocolate from a local vendor that had a neat chili kick. As you can imagine, Charlotte was not much of a fan! :)

What a great night! Since this our second year watching the parade and having dinner at Willow Tree as a group…looks like a tradition the making!!!

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