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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ward Family Seafood Boil

Tonight the three of us joined the Ward family and a few friends for a Seafood Boil. This was the last gathering for my friend Lauren (Ward) Eddy and her family before she heads back home with Matt and Liam.

We had such a great time and I really want to thank Ken and Carla AGAIN for including us. The all too short visit was filled with activity and great food. Luckily Lauren took pity on the few non seafood eaters (Wayne and Justin I am typing to you) and also made Chicken Chili (my Mom’s recipe) and a Roast with vegetables. All of the food was YUMMY as I feel it is the DUTY of guest to TRY everything being offered. At least that is how I am covering for my second helping of Chicken Chili. For her last day in town she sure was a busy cooking bee – lucky us. Lauren and I were also able to get more shots of Liam and Charlotte as well as some with “Aunt” Holly and “Uncle” Justin.

We are going to miss the Eddy’s terribly but feel so fortunate to have spent so much time with them during their short visit. Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. We love you all too and will be seeing you again very soon :) I can't wait, to have more than just one night to hang out and catch up!!
