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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

MBC: Shayna’s Village

Today Charlotte and I attended our Mother Baby Connection class, just a few left before we “graduate”. They brought in a speaker to talk to us about Shayna’s Village at the JCC. Soungs like they have quite a lot to offer. As is becoming the usual these days the “big kids” all sat in the back and the moms spent most of the time trying to keep them from trampling the “little” babies. Charlotte was no exception – she is on the move now and into any open bag like it is a candy store. The speaker also led some group singing with the added bonus of bubbles, maracas and colored scarves for the babies. Charlotte LOVED this and clapped her hands and bopped her head to the music. We really had a great morning singing and playing together.

Charlotte also caught another ride with her friend Amelia. Charlotte just loves being pushed around and Amelia likes to give rides – they are too cute together!

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