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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Christiana

Today Wayne, Charlotte and I were all able to attend a first birthday party for one of Charlotte’s friends, Christiana. Of course we were late but this time it wasn’t Wayne or I – it was Charlotte – that made us late. She just would not go down for her nap (about 11am) so, when she went down late, everything else got pushed back. Anyway we did make it to the party JUST in time to sing Happy Birthday and watch Christiana eat her cake. It was an adorable moment because after everyone sang to her they clapped and she got a little scared – too sweet! We enjoyed meeting some of Maite and Jamie’s family and friends and hanging out with some of the other Mom & Me group. Maite was one of the first moms I met at M &M class. Although we don’t get to see each other as much as we’d like, I really enjoy the time we do have. I have also been amazed at all the milestones Christiana has achieved over the last year. Happy Birthday Christiana – you are a big girl now!!!!!

It was a perfect day for Christiana’s party and we had a great time at Phelps Park too. It’s a beautiful location and we had NO IDEA it was even there – SO close to our own house. It is so nice Wayne even said to me as we pulled up, “Is it too late to move Charlotte’s party?” Yes it is too late but we sure will go back to visit very soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys had such a good time. There's always next year to use the park.
