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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another Crafty Saturday Night

So tonight I FINALLY got to make transfer onesies for Charlotte. A little search on the web for fonts and graphics, transfer paper, white onesies and that’s almost it! I have wanted to make her some ever since my friend Lauren told me she was making some for her son Liam (about six weeks younger than Charlotte). But in true Erin form I have been slowly gathering the materials – “oh look I am at Target, let’s get a few onesies for my project” – ‘I am already looking up info on that Ramones’s documentary, I’ll snag the logo at the same time”, etc. Anyway, obviously the I (HEART) Optimus Prime, Geekling and Future Gamer are all for Wayne’s little girl! I think he will get a real get a kick out of them. I have a lot more transfers just waiting in the wings but with Charlotte growing SO fast, thought I’d save some for the next size up!


  1. I love them! What a great idea to do them on your own. You're so crafty!

  2. This is a great idea. I always wondered what the solution was to spice up the same old (but cute) baby clothes.
