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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

Today we gathered at my Dad’s house to celebrate his birthday, help him with household projects and enjoy a delicious meal. We sure did have a full house – my Dad, Leigh, Katie, Patrick, David, myself, Wayne, Charlotte, Sancha, Erik, Jacob, Brennan, Marg, Bill, a friend of Katie’s and finally a surprise visit from Tyler. Typical HUGE family gathering! Everyone took turns watching/corralling a kid while Erik, Sancha Wayne and I helped my Dad by installing a new mailbox and cleaning up a lot of yard clippings. I think my Dad was happy to have a few extra hands to lighten the load.

As usual, the day was loud and jam-packed with jokes and laughter. Erik literally pulled the old mailbox out of the ground by hand, pole and all, and carried it IN THE HOUSE to ask… “Where did you want this?” It was SO funny! The celebration was full of fun including a surprise visit from my brother, Tyler, who drove down from Savannah to surprise my Dad and help wish him HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Brennan and Charlotte spent a good part of the day being passed around to all the adults for “visits” and the rest of the time playing with Jacob’s giant Lego’s – he and his Dad were trying to make a robot . Marg (Nonie) was really happy to see all her babies. The last time she was able to visit was in late March. Quality time with the little ones was well overdue. Charlotte especially enjoyed visiting with her Granddad, Grand Leigh, Uncle Tyler, Nonie and Grandpa Bill. Jacob very sweetly said “I love you Nonie” right before they left – he is just adorable!

Thanks Dad and Leigh for opening your home to the horde and providing such a delicious, delicious meal!

PS - I am so sorry that the pictures of Charlotte today don’t show her outfit in more detail. It is a beautiful bone colored linen dress, embroidered with detailed delicate pink flowers and includes a matching diaper cover. This is an outfit that Aunt Sancha gave me at my baby shower and I have been waiting, impatiently, since then for Charlotte to grow big enough to fit in it! She also wore her Pooh/Piglet socks from Grand Leigh which are so adorable too. THANKS GRAND LEIGH AND AUNT SANCHA! Well, in what I am finding to be a typical baby fashion scenario, Charlotte may have worn this for the one and only time. Outfits just look so much bigger on the hanger and she gets grows so fast.

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