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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Green Beans

Tonight we gave Charlotte green beans for the first time. She also had some oatmeal cereal, which she really seems to like. As with the peaches, rice cereal and butternut squash – she seems to like it well enough but is not really overly impressed with anything. Kinda takes the wind out of our sails a little. I keep my hopes up that with one of the new foods she is gonna give us a WOW reaction! You see in these pictures that she is holding/trying to eat a spoon. This is not the “official” spoon we feed her with but a “dummy” she plays with while we try to feed her. We, OKAY I, just got sick of the mess (above and beyond normal – think walls) she was making trying to grab the spoon away from me – she is stronger than she looks! Anyway the spoon she is holding is made by Gerber out of a VERY flexible rubber. This way I don’t have to worry about her poking her eye out with the “official” (metal) infant spoon. Please note that she is looking to her left the whole time –Daddy was making dinner and entertaining Charlotte at the same time!

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