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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wayne's First Father's Day

The day started out late as Charlotte slept in until about 9am, thank God! But Mommy got her up, dressed her in her special outfit for the special day (complete with a pretty pink flower in her hair) and started making breakfast. In case you don’t think she pulled her weight, keep in mind she was propped up on the counter getting a play by play from me. Charlotte was very quiet and attentive the whole time, I am sure she was taking mental notes.

“Charlotte, these are eggs, were gonna scramble them and add some cheese for Daddy. Next year you can make him breakfast all by yourself…um, okay, Mommy will help you.”

Wayne was so sweet with her too! He held her in his lap and ate every bit of our breakfast in bed picnic. She just smiled at him so big and, as always, you could tell she loved being with him and getting his undivided attention. Charlotte and I each gave Wayne a card, helping to express how happy we were and what a wonderful dad he is! Wayne also received cards card from his mom, my sister and two of his sisters that were very touching and funny.

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