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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Dinner

This year we hosted the Father’s Day Dinner at our house and were able to celebrate with my dad, Dave, Wayne and my brother-in-law, Erik. The afternoon preparation was a comedy of errors as Wayne and I discovered that our refrigerator had a huge water leak…from somewhere… and our gas stove would not light. I was in a panic because I was expecting to feed five adults and one toddler in a few hours. Wayne, as always, was calm and collected, just pulled out the range manual and went to work, the fridge is still a mystery. Luckily for food prep - Sancha’s family was a little late getting to the house. Jacob had not woken up from his nap at the expected time, she assures me you DO NOT wake a toddler up early. J Anyway, it worked out perfectly because we were able to spend some quality time with my dad before he Whynot Brood arrived. Long story short we got it together and served salad with cheesy pizza bread (roasted garlic and fresh mozzarella) ziti and homemade meat sauce. Seemed like everyone enjoyed the meal. I KNOW they loved Sancha’s desert, homemade carrot cake! YUMMMM

All of us (Kids, Son-in-Laws, and Grandkids) got together and bought my Dad some neat GPS thingy. Cameron is the one who did the technical research and knows all that it can do. I am just excited that he can take it with him hiking in the Everglades, Montana or just tooling around California. So neat to think he can pan out and see where he is in relation to the rest of the world – very neat. I think he liked the gift and will like it more when Sancha sets it up and Cameron explains the how to. See, my Dad is pretty hip just has no patience for technology. I secretly, I think once he gets the hang of it he will be hooked.

Erik, Dad and Wayne watched a lot of the US Open and I got a few pointers on what the heck was going on in the tournament. Wayne and I put the coffee table in the garage – small house – so that Brennan and Charlotte could lay on blankets and play. I sure think they will be great friends – Brennan just lights up when he sees her and tries to pull her toward him. Jacob was his adorable self, playing all around the house and keeping us laughing with all the comments he comes up with. He and Wayne were wrestling in the kitchen and Jacob just giggled until… Jacob says “I’m tired.” He is so sneaky cuz he’ll just come at you when your guards down. I get teary every time he says “I love you Aunt E.” Sancha and Erik need to get this kid an agent – he is already a heartbreaker! After the Whynot's headed home my Dad hung out for a little while, this was nice because it gave us a little more time with him on his special day. All the dads seemed to have a good day even if in typical Brennan fashion it was LOUD, but happy!

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