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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mommy & Me: Father's Day Project

Today at Mommy & Me we made Fathers Day gifts for the Daddy’s. Everyone worked in pairs because it was such a messy project. Charlotte and I worked with Hilary and Emma to make foot print cards. We made cards for both Daddy and Granddad – hope they like them! Charlotte was very good at class and even stayed still, uncharacteristically, during the messy parts. I was able to get some good pictures of the whole group and a few cute ones of Emma and Charlotte playing…such as they do at this age! Charlotte played on her purple and paisley blanket, a baby shower gift from Jennifer Weeks. THANK YOU JEN - we love it and get complements all the time! Our speaker today talked about developing language skills, gave us pointers and suggested good books for each age group.

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