Pages To Visit

Bringing Charlotte Home

Today we got to take Charlotte HOME!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Charlotte: Visit from Uncle "Justin" & "Aunt" Holly

Tonight we had a visit from “uncle” Justin and “aunt” Holly, their first time meeting baby Charlotte. They are such great people and wonderful friends to us.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On Becoming A Mother

In the operating room, stunned by the weight of instant and all encompassing love for Charlotte I thought about a card my mom had recently given me. The baby had just been born; I’d gotten to see her sweet puffy self very briefly as the anastisologist took our first family photo. Wayne gave me a proud kiss and then went to show Charlotte off to the nursery staff. You know, so the doctors there could confirm what we knew even then, she was the most perfect baby. The sterile doors closed behind them and literally just a few minutes after it all began she was safely born and I was a mother.

I was relieved the surgery had gone well and started to think about how appreciative I was for my new family. As I was getting “fixed up”, and random thankful thoughts were buzzing through my fuzzy mind, the message in my mom’s card came into focus. It said that I would shortly understand how she felt about me – and suddenly the message took on that heavy meaning she knew was coming - I took a hitched breath to lift my suddenly heavy lungs. I now knew what she was hinting at – instantly understood a deeper love that I had never known could exist. I started to cry because I was so filled with the true knowledge of her deepest love for me. Dr. Thatcher worriedly asked if I was okay, I was crying silently in an operating room after all. In response I could only get out “I am just so overwhelmed” by the love I was feeling for Charlotte and the love I was fully understanding and feeling from my own mother.

Hospital Photo Shoot

This is Charlotte all dressed up in a pretty dress (Thanks Aunt Sancha) for her hospital photo shoot. She is so swollen, look at the crease in the bridge of her nose! You can tell she had been upside down for awhile!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

New Baby? This Is ALL You Need To Know

I just thought I would include this photo because it is so funny. These are ALL the instructions they give you in the hospital! They put you in a room…give you your brand new baby and tell you “this is what you need to know”! Ah, so scary!

Charlotte in the Transitional Baby Nursery

Wayne took this video of Charlotte in the Transitional Baby Nursery right after she was born!

Welcome Charlotte Morgan Chambers

Charlotte Morgan Chambers

February 25, 2008 at 4:58 PM

Weighing 9 Pounds and 2 Ounces

Measuring 20 Inches

Friday, February 22, 2008

Update on Baby Chambers

Wayne and I just wanted to give you the update on Baby Chambers.

For the last month or so the doctors have been monitoring the baby’s size by sonogram because she has been measuring “large” for her age. On the 8th she was already 8 ½ pounds and gaining about ½ a pound a week. Although those measurements cannot be exact, the doctors do feel that they were able to get good pictures and along with the monitoring over the last month feel confident that we have really do have a BIG baby.

Based on her estimated size and growth pattern the doctors do not want me to wait until my due date (27th) or later for a natural delivery. Because of this they have scheduled me for a C-Section delivery on Monday, February 25th at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Children. So, unless she decides to be “early” (and with my genes who really thinks that’s gonna happen? - well now that I said it...) we are looking forward to meeting our daughter on Monday!

In other news…we FINALLY narrowed down her name to two choices: Charlotte Morgan Chambers and Morgan Bianca Chambers. The way the ‘Name Game” has been progressing so far, we expect to still be negotiating on the way to the hospital…

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Charlotte's Pink & Brown Nursery

These are some pictures of Charlotte’s nursery. We wanted it to be modern, different and a little funky – no baby Mickey Mouse boarders for us! Of course now, this color pallet is everywhere – kinda like our wedding colors! Anyway, we found the dresser, which we use as a changing table on Craig’s List and the crib was a private purchase that Holly’s mom coordinated for us. The chair was actually a wedding gift from Erin’s step grandparents. It used to be in the master bedroom but works so well in the nursery, we switched the rocking chair (the one Erin’s parents used for her) to the master bedroom. The bedding is a mix and match of gifts or items we found all over the place. Erin and her mom, Sheila, did make the crib skirt because they just could not find what they wanted anywhere. The cool silver mobiles are from West Elm and we will move them up and down as she gets more mobile. The funky brown circles and shapes on the wall are painting done by Tyler & Sancha, Erin’s brother and sister.