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Friday, February 22, 2008

Update on Baby Chambers

Wayne and I just wanted to give you the update on Baby Chambers.

For the last month or so the doctors have been monitoring the baby’s size by sonogram because she has been measuring “large” for her age. On the 8th she was already 8 ½ pounds and gaining about ½ a pound a week. Although those measurements cannot be exact, the doctors do feel that they were able to get good pictures and along with the monitoring over the last month feel confident that we have really do have a BIG baby.

Based on her estimated size and growth pattern the doctors do not want me to wait until my due date (27th) or later for a natural delivery. Because of this they have scheduled me for a C-Section delivery on Monday, February 25th at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Children. So, unless she decides to be “early” (and with my genes who really thinks that’s gonna happen? - well now that I said it...) we are looking forward to meeting our daughter on Monday!

In other news…we FINALLY narrowed down her name to two choices: Charlotte Morgan Chambers and Morgan Bianca Chambers. The way the ‘Name Game” has been progressing so far, we expect to still be negotiating on the way to the hospital…

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