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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Charlotte's Pink & Brown Nursery

These are some pictures of Charlotte’s nursery. We wanted it to be modern, different and a little funky – no baby Mickey Mouse boarders for us! Of course now, this color pallet is everywhere – kinda like our wedding colors! Anyway, we found the dresser, which we use as a changing table on Craig’s List and the crib was a private purchase that Holly’s mom coordinated for us. The chair was actually a wedding gift from Erin’s step grandparents. It used to be in the master bedroom but works so well in the nursery, we switched the rocking chair (the one Erin’s parents used for her) to the master bedroom. The bedding is a mix and match of gifts or items we found all over the place. Erin and her mom, Sheila, did make the crib skirt because they just could not find what they wanted anywhere. The cool silver mobiles are from West Elm and we will move them up and down as she gets more mobile. The funky brown circles and shapes on the wall are painting done by Tyler & Sancha, Erin’s brother and sister.

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