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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treating

Tonight we took Charlotte over the Whynot’s for Halloween Trick or Treating.   
Although we have been play acting "trick or treating" with Charlotte for the last several weeks, Wayne and I were a little worried about how she would do.  Charlotte was FANTASTIC.  She actually did the best out of all the kids because some to the neighborhood decorations were scaring poor Jake and were just going over Charlotte’s head.  She was so good about saying Trick or Treat and even Thank You
Sancha and Erik’s neighbors were so sweet to her and Charlotte just loved all the attention. 
It was a SUPER fun night watching her enjoying herself so much!  Happy Halloween Baby! 

Amaya Papaya Halloween Party

This morning Charlotte and I headed over to Amaya Papaya’s (indoor play room for the under 5 set) Halloween Party. Charlotte had a great time dancing to the Halloween music, trick or treating (healthy snacks) and making crafts. She especially liked the toy kitchen area and the wooden play house. We did have a bit of a snafu when she wanted to go into the sandbox with her tutu. Before I could take it off of her it was “sifting” sand! UGH! At the craft area Charlotte did a great job making her own spider and web – she particularly liked putting on the legs. We had a very full morning filled with lots of Halloween fun but had to cut out before the costume contest so that Charlotte could get a good nap before trick or treating! We had so much fun together, what a great way to start Halloween day!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Teenie Weenie Halloweenie Party

Today Katie took Charlotte to the Oviedo Parks Department's annual Teenie Weenie Halloweenie party. Charlotte was too little to participate in all of the games but she really enjoyed the trick or treating, crafts and CANDY! She also had her picture taken by the Orlando Sentinel and ALMOST made it into the paper!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Winter Park Halloween Story Time

This morning Wayne took Charlotte to the Winter Park Library for their special Halloween story hour. They had a great time together and Charlotte especially liked the Halloween songs.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fun With The Mullins Family

This morning Charlotte and I met up with Christie, Caden, and Chase for some shopping and lunch at the Millennia mall. Christie and I have known each other since elementary school and over the years have been all the way from very close to losing touch for a couple of years and all points in between. I just love Christie and we always have such fun together. Our kids are close in age with Charlotte in the middle. She is about fourteen months younger than Chase and about fourteen months older than Chase. One of the neat things about hanging out with Caden & Chase is that I can see Charlotte’s future {with Caden} and remember her sweet past {with Chase}.

Anyway, back to today – Christie was nice enough to make this outing into a belated birthday celebration for me – HOW SWEET – she and the boys gave me the nicest card and treated me to a yummy lunch. We shopped and alternated between chasing either Charlotte or Caden all over the mall – it’s exhausting – and catching up. Caden and Charlotte were too cute and even gave each other a couple of hugs and kisses. Charlotte LOVED baby Chase and really wanted to hold him, um sorry but no! God help us we even braved IKEA…where Christie gave me some invaluable tips {for the millionth time} and we again chased kids around for hours! Thanks guys – we had a great time!

Such a great day and too bad we don’t get to do this more often. Even though we both live in Central Florida {sounds like we’re relatively close to each other, right?} we are on opposite ends of Greater Orlando and over an hour apart one way. So, I just have to soak in the times we do get to see each other and make plans to do it again soon….stay tuned.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Charlotte's Very Own Koala

Uncle Tyler (Erin’s brother) came to visit this weekend and on his way back home stopped by to leave Charlotte an ADORABLE surprise – her very own Koala! It is the softest thing and Charlotte cannot stop “huggin” him! She also likes to sit him next to her on the couch and talk to him about her day – at least that is what we think she is doing! Thank you Tyler!

Sorry the video is so dark!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pickin’ Pumpkins…In The Dark

Tonight Wayne, Charlotte and I headed over to the Sanlando United Methodist Church (Altamonte, Springs) to visit their Pumpkin Patch. We have already been to pick out our pumpkin this year (where we have gone for the last four years, Tuskawilla United Methodist) BUT we needed to stock up for the Pumpkin Carving Party we are having this weekend. Plus Charlotte is obsessed with pumpkins right now so it was fun for her to have more pumpkins to play with. I had heard from some friends that this is the BEST pumpkin patch in Orlando, and they just might be right. The patch is HUGE and includes many different kinds of pumpkins, squash and gourds in all colors and sizes. SMC also does story times right in the patch through the month of October – we’ll need to keep that in mind for next year – standees to take your picture with, a mini barn, kid’s activities and a free tiny pumpkin for Charlotte.

Charlotte had a lot of fun and although it was a little late (and dark, a tiny bit spooky) and she did not want to run around she did help hold some of our choices and had a lot to say about her experience.