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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Amaya Papaya Halloween Party

This morning Charlotte and I headed over to Amaya Papaya’s (indoor play room for the under 5 set) Halloween Party. Charlotte had a great time dancing to the Halloween music, trick or treating (healthy snacks) and making crafts. She especially liked the toy kitchen area and the wooden play house. We did have a bit of a snafu when she wanted to go into the sandbox with her tutu. Before I could take it off of her it was “sifting” sand! UGH! At the craft area Charlotte did a great job making her own spider and web – she particularly liked putting on the legs. We had a very full morning filled with lots of Halloween fun but had to cut out before the costume contest so that Charlotte could get a good nap before trick or treating! We had so much fun together, what a great way to start Halloween day!

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