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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dinner With The 'Nots

This evening after Sancha and I attended our soon to be cousin-in-laws bridal shower we got the families together for dinner at The Crab Shack.

Most of you know that Wayne is (SADLY for me) not a huge fan of shellfish, going as far as telling some people he is allergic. Well, with this to contend with you can understand why this was our first visit to The Shack. We had so much fun together today. The kids played on the jungle gym while the parents tag teamed playing with them and enjoying beer and LO Ice Tea. Charlotte enjoyed the loud music by dancing around and clapping to the staff’s dances. She especially enjoyed watching the balloon maker – well, make her a balloon. Charlotte was given a very intricate mermaid with a purple dress –thankfully she waited to chomp on it until the balloon maker had walked away!

We had a great day with the ‘Nots and need to make more of an effort to spend more fun time with them!!!!

Eating sand, yummm...

Melissa's Bridal Shower

This afternoon my sister, Sancha, and I attended a wedding shower for our soon to be cousin-in-law, Melissa, at an adorable tea house in Auburndale. Melissa is engaged to my cousin, Chris, their wedding is in June and we were so happy to help them “get started” with this celebration. Sancha made Melissa’s traditional rehearsal bouquet out of the bows and ribbons on the gifts Melissa received. A task made a little bit harder because she had to use a hard plastic plate without any tape or scissors!

Our cousin, Amanda, (Chris’s sister) was one of the shower hosts and she also brought along her daughter, Victoria. As you can imagine a tea party was JUST the coolest thing for 3 ½ year old Victoria. We all had a great time watching her very precisely pour her pink lemonade tea and eat her cookies and cake.

Sancha and I both had a great afternoon celebrating with Melissa, family and friends. Although Wayne and I are not going to be able to attend the wedding, we hope that special day is just the beginning of their happiness.

Happy Administrative Professionals Day

This afternoon Charlotte and I surprised my Mom (and Executive Assistant) with flowers and a lunch invitation to celebrate Administrative Professionals Day. Since I had previously planned to take the day off of work – not realizing at the time it was APD – I went ahead and made the surprise plans and pretended that I did not remember that the day I was going to be off, was special. Anyway, Charlotte and I surprised my Mom with purple (her favorite color) and white flowers at the office. She was SO surprised and Charlotte just loved her reaction. Grandma decided that she was in the mood for seafood so we drove on over to Red Lobster for a festive lunch.

During lunch Charlotte was getting a bit restless – seems to be an “all the time” affliction these days. Grandma was using her own drink and trying to show Charlotte how to drink out of a straw. Well Charlotte just kept biting the straw really hard and then she would pull it out of the glass and poke herself in the eye. Poor kid! Grandma did eventually offer Charlotte some ice tea out of a “big” glass and to say Charlotte enjoyed it would be a HUGE understatement. As lunch went on she just kept asking sip after sip until MOST of the drink was gone. What’s wrong with giving you child her entire week’s worth of sugar intake requirements in on hour??? After all the tea was gone Grandma taught Charlotte how to pat her lips with a napkin - Charlotte thought that was hilarious and kept doing it over and over!

After our delicious celebration lunch we went outside to try and get a picture of Grandma and Charlotte. Unfortunately, the “wiggles” kicked back in and Charlotte was not cooperating. Mom was SUCH a good sport and it really was too bad annoying that Charlotte would not cooperate because so many of the pictures of my mom are Fantastic!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Big Girl Bath

Tonight was Charlotte’s first time in the big bath. She had a BLAST with all that space and bigger toys. BUT the best part was that Grandma gave Charlotte her bath, sang songs and encouraged big splashes!