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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Melissa's Bridal Shower

This afternoon my sister, Sancha, and I attended a wedding shower for our soon to be cousin-in-law, Melissa, at an adorable tea house in Auburndale. Melissa is engaged to my cousin, Chris, their wedding is in June and we were so happy to help them “get started” with this celebration. Sancha made Melissa’s traditional rehearsal bouquet out of the bows and ribbons on the gifts Melissa received. A task made a little bit harder because she had to use a hard plastic plate without any tape or scissors!

Our cousin, Amanda, (Chris’s sister) was one of the shower hosts and she also brought along her daughter, Victoria. As you can imagine a tea party was JUST the coolest thing for 3 ½ year old Victoria. We all had a great time watching her very precisely pour her pink lemonade tea and eat her cookies and cake.

Sancha and I both had a great afternoon celebrating with Melissa, family and friends. Although Wayne and I are not going to be able to attend the wedding, we hope that special day is just the beginning of their happiness.

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