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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

TBLF Annual Christmas Eve Breakfast

This morning Charlotte and I went to The Brennan Law Firm’s annual Christmas Eve Past/Present Employee Breakfast. I always have so much fun going to this – not only because I get to hang out with most of my family but because I also get to visit with some of the “old timers” like myself. This year Peggy, my business mentor, was able to come and we had a lot of fun visiting – although there NEVER seems to be enough time! The highlight this year was that my brother in law, Erik, was able to attend after having major shoulder surgery just the night before – that tells you how much fun the breakfast is! After a very yummy breakfast Sancha broke out the annual Christmas quiz. She creates a quiz for the attendees and the winner and looser get great prizes. It’s always fun to do the quiz because everyone takes it very seriously and really tries all month long to get Sancha to slip the “subject” of the test. This year she based the questions on “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” – awesome, it’s my favorite Christmas cartoon right in front of “The Year Without Santa Claus. This year I tied with my Dad, who graciously let me take home the prize!!! I think the bonus question about the names of the trees in the Whispering Winds …Pete Pine anyone? This kind of useless information is what really helped me out this year! I guess it’s only fair to admit that I watch all sorts of Christmas DVDs starting December 1st each year – it’s kind of a sickness and sometimes gives me an edge on the annual quiz!

Anyway, I have included a picture of the shirt Charlotte wore to the breakfast. It says “Oh Come Let Us Adore Me” and was a gift from my Dad last Christmas, exactly two months before Charlotte was born! I love it!

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