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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas With The Krafts

Tonight Charlotte was visited by two elves, “Uncle” Justin and “Aunt” Holly came by to deliver Christmas cheer. After sharing a yummy dinner at Tijuana Flats – Wayne and I could eat there every day – the five of us came back to the house to test Charlotte’s present opening skills – she did pretty well. Justin and Holly kindly gave her a Curious George stuffed animal and Baby Leap learning system for Christmas. Charlotte, unlike her parents, has not yet discovered the joys of TV so it may be some time before she gets the “whole picture”, pun intended, with the learning center. In the meantime Wayne and I are excited to see all the cool things it can do, we’ll just consider it our parental duty to do “research” until she is ready to jump in herself. The BIG hit for Charlotte was George who immediately got a BIG kiss, aka she tried to eat his face, and snuggle. Thank you guys SO much for including Charlotte you are so thoughtful and we really appreciate it!
Justin & Holly stayed to hang out with Wayne while I did “one last thing” for my Christmas shopping list. I understand they had a great time while I was out and Justin played a marathon version of “peek-a-boo” with Charlotte to her delight.

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