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Monday, December 8, 2008

Star Ornament from "Aunt" Lauren

Today we got a surprise in the mail, this beautiful glass and metal star ornament from my longtime friend Lauren Nagle.

Wayne and I are are continuing a tradition with Charlotte that I grew up with. She will get special ornaments at Christmas each year and keep a list of who they are from and what year she received them. Each year she will place her own ornaments on the tree (well as soon as she is big enough) and eventually have the collection to take with her when she starts her own family.

I have all of my childhood ornaments as well as some special additions from the recent years. It is amazing to look at the list (started over 31 years ago) and see the origins of my beautiful keepsakes.

This is Charlotte’s first ornament and I know that over the years this memento will hold so many amazing childhood memories for her too.

Thank you again, Lauren, this is I really can’t put into words how much this kindness means to me.

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