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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

MBC Holiday Party

This morning was Charlotte’s Mom Baby Connection Holiday Party. The leader of our group arranged for each mom to bring a wrapped children’s book with us to the party. We enjoyed piling the books in the middle of the room and watching the kids tear into them. Charlotte picked (with a lot of help from Mommy) an Ole McDonald book that has furry animals in it – she really likes to help turn the pages or chomp on one of the animals.

Sadly this will be the last class for many of the kids as the age limit is one year. Charlotte and I will try to come to the classes until she turns one, in February, because she really likes spending time with all of the other babies (not BABIES for much longer) and I have met some really great friends. Some of the moms with babies Charlotte’s age will also come back after the holidays so we look forward to seeing everyone then if not sooner.

I have attached an adorable video of Charlotte riding a push/ride toy and her friend Amelia pushing her around. I sat Charlotte on this toy because (shhh, don’t tell her) Santa is bringing her a really cute ladybug push/ride toy for Christmas and I wondered if she was going to be up for it. As soon as she sat down Amelia came right over and started pushing Charlotte ALL over the room. They went on like this for the better part of ten minutes. Every one of the moms got a kick out of them and I was surprised how long (with some directional assistance from Amelia’s mom, Monica) they were at it. When they got close to the end of the room we just turned them around at Amelia started right back up! Charlotte was so funny because she was holding her toes up, not her feet, just her toes up to help keep things moving. Thanks to Monica and Amelia for one of the memories not soon to be forgotten. These kids are just so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Erin,

    I just saw this and (of course) blasted the link to your blog to my family in Thailand. It is hilarious! How cute are our two girls?

    Merry Christmas!
