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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Crotty After Christmas Party

Our last Christmas gathering of the year was the annual Christmas with the Crotty’s. They have been throwing an “after” Christmas party for so many years it is hard to remember when Jen started them. Although I do remember attending a few times when it was Jen, Carrie and Sancha at the Delaney house – and I was still in high school – more than twelve years ago…ugh! Back then it was all about what you were drinking and how much more you could get your hands on - oh the good ole' days!

Anyway, these days the parties are a little smaller, include little kiddos and things are just a bit more laid back. Just the way I like it now! For the last few years it’s been hard for Wayne and I to attend with him usually working Christmas overnights. Even as tired as we were tonight, we wanted to at least stop by and see friends we just don’t get to see enough! Tonight was filled with most of us lounging on the couches in Jen and Eric’s great house with wine in hand catching up or reminiscing. Some of the guys were talking MMA training or playing poker, the kids were in an out of their bedrooms playing video games with friends, watching a movie or asking for more toffee. Charlotte was adamant that she needed whoever was neglecting their glass of wine or camera for more than three seconds. She spent much of the time cruising around the coffee table in search of the next unsuspecting adult.

We were lucky enough to visit with Carrie and Jason who were in from California to spend Christmas with family and friends. Wayne and I missed attending their wedding over the summer, just too soon after Charlotte was born to travel. So, it was great to see them and ask all those pesky newlywed questions. Charlotte charmed the heck out of them and I think they were surprised that MY kid was so laid back. I keep having to remind people how laid back her father is and how LUCKY I am that so far she is her father’s daughter!

Anyway, as always time was too short and we too tired after such a long day to stay as long as we would have liked. We love you all – Happy Christmas!

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