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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Charlotte's Christmas

Very late tonight we got a chance to have Charlotte open her gifts from Santa, her Auntie Rosie and Uncle Tony and Auntie Elena. After such a long day we really expected her to fall sound asleep but guess what? Apparently the ride home was all the NAP she needed because she was so awake once we got home (maybe 10pm) we decided to let her go ahead an open her gifts. She had a blast and lasted ALMOST until the last gift. We’ll save that one for tomorrow when Wayne gets home from work. She had fun opening her gifts and was just amazed by the soft hippo chair from Tony & Elena. She just wanted to touch the feet and rub her face on its belly. We especially appreciate the Leap Frog Fridge toy from Rosie the music and animal sounds will be a perfect learning distraction while we fix dinner and load the dishwasher. Than you all for your generous gifts! Otherwise she receive a ladybug ride on toy, pop up music toy, Disney DVDs, “real-ish” key set and a few other fun, colorful LOUD toys from Santa – what was he thinking?!?

We so enjoyed Charlotte’s enthusiasm. As excited as she was, I think Wayne and I were more so, watching her amazement when a toy would “talk” back to her or fit into another toy. She is so much fun – Happy First Christmas baby! We love you so much and nothing compares to the gift of you!


  1. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas with all your families and friends. I love her ladybug ride on (I wanted to get one for Cristiana). Merry Christmas!
