Pages To Visit

Friday, August 15, 2008

Visit With The Parkers

Tonight we had a wonderful visit from my cousin Brooke (our Mom’s are sisters), her husband, Josh and their baby girl Haidyn. They drove down from Lilburn, Georgia for a family vacation with friends and were able to make some time to stop in Orlando for dinner with their Florida family. Wayne, Charlotte and I joined them at my sister’s house to have dinner with my mom and sister’s family. Even with seven adults the four little kids kept us on our toes! This is the first time we were able to meet little Haidyn although since they also have a blog ( it feels like I already know her. She is so sweet and I had so much fun playing with her – she danced for me, let me hold her, waved, clapped her hands and gave such cute smiles. Luckily Sancha has a designated play area and the kids (of varying ages) all had a great time with the toys. I am so amazed at how much Brennan, Sancha’s youngest, has learned just in the last two weeks since I have seen him. The adults had a yummy lasagna dinner, thanks Mom, and delicious birthday cake for desert, thanks Sancha, to celebrate Brooke’s birthday. We laughed so hard a dinner each telling our own crazy maternity ward stories. At dinner we had Brennan in a high chair, Haidyn and Jacob in buster seats and Charlotte alternated between Wayne’s lap and the pack-n-play. Once Jacob was done with his dinner he wanted to get into the pack-n-play with Charlotte so he kept dropping toys in for her to play with since the adults would not let him get in with her. It was really sweet until he started telling us to take Charlotte out so he could make a fort! That adorable little boy is SO smart! Anyway our visit with the Parkers was really fun and I wish they lived closer so that we could see them more often; we always have such a great time together.

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