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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sancha’s Birthday Celebration

This morning Wayne, Charlotte and I drove over to my sister’s house for a belated birthday celebration. As a family we decided some time ago that rather than spending money on gifts we would gift our time helping each other accomplish projects around the house.

We got this idea from the Nesting Party my family threw for Wayne and I just before Charlotte was born. The entire family came over and helped us finish so many of those “I’ve been meaning to get to…” projects. They painted our living room, kitchen and dining room, did laundry, organized closets, unpacked baby items, built a dog crate cover, washed baby items, installed shelves, painted graphics on the nursery wall, etc. It was amazing what they got done in one day and such a relief to my pregnant “about to burst” self!

So today, Wayne, Eric, my mom and I all pitched in to give Sancha a little help. She choose tree trimming for her project. We actually got to three of the trees, trimmed, cut up and stuffed in garbage cans. This is the first step for Sancha to be able to bring her gardens back – now some light will finally get to them. It is very timely that she wanted her trees trimmed since Tropical Storm Fay is on its way. This weekend was a kind of double duty Birthday and Hurricane preparation! Our Mom, Sheila, was nice enough to keep track of the kids most of the day – I think she had it harder than we did – and we had falling tree limbs! Jake just wanted to be with his parents, Brennan was crawling all over the place and Charlotte was too distracted all day and did not want to take her bottle. We were able to accomplish so much for Sancha but it sure was a comedy of errors trying to wrangle the kids and manage heavy duty work outside! Mid day we stopped for a casual family lunch and some yummy yellow birthday cake, complete with a candle to make a wish on! Thanks Mom!

Anyway, I should have taken before and after pictures as the change was dramatic, but I forgot. I did get these cute pictures of Wayne and baby Brennan, enjoy!

Happy Birthday Sancha!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! What better gift is there than the gift of time and assistance.
