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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Spending Time At The Cabana

Today Wayne and I rented a cabana by the relaxation pool and beach. We had internet access (too much to do to have time to blog), our own bathroom and outdoor shower, flat screen TV, fridge, pack n’ play, sofa, sun loungers, etc, etc. WAY COOL – we also had our own concierge who was solely responsible for our comfort, poor girl. I lost track of how many drinks I had. Let’s see electric lemonade, frozen lemonade, long island ice tea, palm beach ice tea, palm beach ice tea, palm beach ice tea … you get the picture. My mom, Sheila, was also able to extend her trip a bit and spent a good part of the day with us too. It was fantastic to have her with us. Not only is she fun to hang out with, she also kept Charlotte for us when Wayne and I took breaks to swim in the ocean or cool off in the pool. Unfortunately, Charlotte was a little uncomfortable with being in the heat all day. Fortunately, we were able to keep her cool by feeding her ice chips and keeping her under the fan in the cabana.


  1. Nice!!! Sounds like you guys got VIP treatment!

  2. WOW! how nice!!! Looks like you guys really had a great time! I'm so looking foward to our vacation in a couple of weeks!
