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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dinner At The Palm Beach Zoo

Tonight we attended a private dinner for the RPP&TL Executive Council at the Palm Beach Zoo. This was SO much fun as we were able to take our nephew, Brennan, to walk around to check out some of the exhibits when the park was closed. Some of the zoo keepers also brought out animals for us to visit with up close – nothing real cuddly (two toed sloth, owl, bearcat, etc.) but so neat to see them up close. The group sang Happy Birthday to Sancha and it was fun to catch her off guard. Our nephew, Jacob, spent most of the night playing in this huge ring of water fountains with some of the other toddlers. I think he had to weigh an extra 20 pounds in wet diaper when they finally got him to come out if the water. We were really impressed with this zoo, it’s so much bigger than we expected! Next year I would love to take some time to visit all the exhibits. Charlotte wore her zoo dress for the big night and spent more time trying to get at other peoples food. Our little lush was MOST interested in Grandmas Rum Runner, sneaky thing!

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