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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Erin & Charlotte's Trip to Bonita Springs

This weekend Charlotte and I took a trip to Bonita Springs, Florida with Grandma and Aunt Sancha. This was a work trip for me to attend the Real, Property, Probate & Trust Law Section’s Annual Convention. Since this was our first overnight trip, I was a little stressed out but with Charlotte behaving well and Grandma and Aunt Sancha’s help we had a successful trip. While I attended the Legislative Update Committee meeting Grandma visited with Charlotte. While Grandma was exhibiting Aunt Sancha and I took Charlotte for a walk on the estuary boardwalk. There is a great picture of them with charlotte wearing her big floppy white hat. Grandma really got Charlotte talking one of the afternoons and I have included a picture or two. It was a great weekend and really makes me look forward to the trip we are taking with Wayne to The Breakers in July! For that trip a lot of our family will be together for work purposes but I hope we can squeeze some fun into the extended weekend.

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