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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Month Three Musings

Things I thought of in between Wayne, work, Charlotte, eating, sleeping… you know how it is.

The only routine we have for Charlotte is that we try to feed her as soon as she wakes up (in the morning or after a nap) then let her play until she is tired again. That way she is not being put to bed by an overfull stomach or learning to need a bottle to sleep. So sleep, eat, play, sleep, eat, play etc. We try to put her to bed around 10 or 11, make sure she has had a full feeding before (then some play or cuddle time) and then she will sleep till about 7:30 or 8 am.

We bathe her at night every other day or so, depending on our schedule and what we have been doing. For instance, if she has been out and about all day – in the hot sun – we’ll give her a bath or if we are going to an event the next day we’ll give her a bath the night before. After a bath we put diaper cream on (the only time we do, since she has not developed a rash…yet) then we slather lotion on her body, brush her hair, trim her nails (yes, like three times a week cuz they grow like CRAZY) and then I give her a “mini facial”. The facial is because her face gets SO dry. So, I put a light layer of baby oil then Vaseline then lotion on her face. I know it sounds like a lot but truly her face is super dry by the next morning! As far as products go, we have been using Johnson’s cuz we have a lot of it and she seems to be doing fine so far.

I use the Boppy ALL the time. I am lucky enough to have Sancha and Jen’s hand me downs and so I keep one at my office and one at home. Obviously, with breastfeeding I used the Boppy for that but I also use it to lay her over for tummy time, prop her up to feed her a bottle while I type one handed…. etc, etc.

Charlotte has been sleeping in her crib since about 2 months. Before that she would only nap in there and then sleep in the co sleeper at night. Once we noticed that she was not getting us up a couple of times a night, we started putting her in her crib. Plus she stirs in the middle of the night, whimpers and then finds her thumb which puts her back to sleep. When she was in our room that would wake us up every time, so in her crib she sleeps better and so do we.

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