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Nice To Meet You

Welcome to my family’s little space on the inter-web; it’s nice to meet you! 

I’m Erin and my husband, Wayne, and I met during high school, he’s a few years younger – go me!  We have spent the last seventeen years (ten married) enjoying the adventures life throws our way.  We spend every day in awe of our amazingly bright and funny kids - eight year old, Charlotte, and two year old, Kellen.  We hope to add a little brother or sister to our family soon.  We had some losses recently and our little ark now includes only one dog, Ramie.    

I am a thirty-something wife, mother and not-for-profit executive, who loves to craft and plan parties.  I keep busy baking, sewing, cooking, crafting, and just about anything creative.  I tell people I create to avoid domestic chores and that’s mostly true – it also promotes sanity!  Currently I am working on my photography and Photo Shop skills.

I get giddy checking the mailbox, can’t have enough pillows, can only tolerate the Not-So-Scary version of Halloween and am a neat freak.  Although, I have to admit organizing and neatness have a whole new meaning with a little one in the mix…  

We put this page together to help us keep connected with family and friends around the world.  Wayne and I hope you will check back often to see what new adventures we get ourselves into!  When you do check in, make sure to look at our posts for the last few days.  Although they show up in the order we experience them, sometimes, things do not get added to the blog in the order they happen!