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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Equal Opportunity Holidays

The Chambers family goes FULL TILT for Halloween and Christmas!  But our not-so-little-one wants to know why we don’t “celebrate” other holidays.  Let’s face it – we really do like any reason to decorate, make a special meal and celebrate!  But – we don’t currently have much in the way of “lessor” holiday decorations.  Hummmm… 
This year I am going to make more of an effort to pull things together and make the holidays more special for our little family.  Mostly I want to try to work with what I already have – which is A LOT of crafty odds and ends – and scour the after holiday sales.  I don’t plan to “do it all” this year because I know this will be an ongoing project but I’m going to give it a good shot! 
I’ve already started gathering and crafting for Valentine’s Day, I have a feeling it’s going to be a lot of fun.   Keep up with our blog to see what I come up with…