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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Charlotte's Halloween Costume: She's a Witch!

Take THAT Flying Monkeys!

Here is Charlotte in her Halloween costume, finally!  We went around and around this year with what she wanted to be.  For awhile we thought she’d be a BLUE Princess.  Wayne and I knew the only reason she wanted to be a princess so she could wear “tap shoes”.   Tap Shoes in Charlotte’s world are high heels – not great footwear for trick-or-treating!  I really wanted her to be Dorothy form the Wizard of Oz or a bat, no such luck! 

Apparently one afternoon recently Wayne and Charlotte were talking about costume ideas and all the accessories (hat, broom, wand, etc.) that a witch has really spoke to Charlotte.  In fairness I have to mention that she really thought she’d also be able to cart around our gray cat, Kieran.  Sorry folks, he’s a typical cat and not that cooperative!  Anyway, that was it – all she could talk about from that point on was being a SCARY WITCH for Halloween!  We think she is too adorable to be scary but Charlotte does have a good cackle.  Also, our favorite part of the costume is that while teaching her to say “Boil, boil, toil and trouble” Charlotte (and we really think it was on purpose after she herd us laugh so hard!) would say “Boil, boil, TOILET, trouble!  E.V.E.R.Y.  T.I.M.E!

For the most part Charlotte’s costume was store bought but you know I couldn’t just leave it at that.  So I added glittered spiders, a tutu and tweaked her broom a little.  I also glittered an old pair of shoes, destined for the garbage can, (adding orange glittered spiders - of course!) for the costume too.    

Note to self (for child #2) – 3 year olds will let you choose their costumes if you don’t make the mistake of letting them know they CAN choose!  ;)

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