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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Charlotte is a Penguin!

On Friday, Wayne, Nanny and I took Charlotte to meet her new teacher for the school year.  She was excited to meet her teacher and other classmates.  To be fair though, she spent much of the time playing with the dress up clothes, babies and shopping carts.  ;) 

Charlotte was happy to learn that her class this year will be the PENGUINS and her teacher sent home a little craft project, well I guess you could call it homework, for her to create and then return on the first day of school.  The instructions suggest encouraging you child to be creative and color or decorate the penguin anyway they want.  Figures that Charlotte was totally un-interested in doing anything other than playing with the glue stick and placing the pieces EXACTLY where they were supposed to be!   

Ps – The cute bee antenna Charlotte insisted she needed to wear to do this project – too funny – is from Granddad.  In addition to breakfast and fishing with him yesterday we also went to a Bee/Honey Expo.  Granddad very kindly bought Charlotte this super cute headband.  Thanks Dad, obviously she loves it!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Daddy Fun Day

Today was one of those “missing” summer days where summer school is out but the school year has not quite started.  Wayne and I decided at the beginning of summer, when we discovered the lapse, that we’d try to take those days off of work to spend “special” time with Charlotte.  

Based on the state of my house this afternoon when I came home from work –I’m calling it "Knee Deep in Disaster" - today was a HUGE success.  Of course, I knew it was as soon as I opened my car door – another one of those awesome moments when I wish my brain could record those “moments” that I can never describe well enough to do them justice!  Le Sigh!  

Charlotte came running out of the garage, dressed literally HEAD to TOE in princess regalia and announced “Mommy, Daddy and I have been being married all day!”  I looked to Wayne for confirmation… “Um, yah.  We even had a wedding!!”  Ha, ha!  Wayne said they were playing with her dress up clothes and in the midst of a totally appropriate (according to Daddy – they had toy swords, enough said!) game of pirates when Charlotte found a veil her Grandma made for her last Christmas.  Apparently she turned right around with the veil on her head and announced they were having a wedding.  Charlotte went on to tell me about the rest of their adventures including their babies, a lion and a pig {of course}, with names like Baby and Boris.  One totally normal name for a three year old to choose and the other, just, WHAT?!?  ;)  She also told me they used the couch as a “car” in their pretending and when I came into the house she had Baby and Boris strapped into toy car seats on the couch..Too cute!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Activity Bag Exchange: Shades of Color

Today Charlotte and I did another activity from the Activity Bag Exchange – Shades of Color.  Charlotte LOVES these, but I think it helps that we present them to her as games!  Anyway we started by sorting the different colors and then Charlotte attached each color in the proper column.  We had fun and she really liked that I kept asking her to show me how to play the game – she loves being the teacher any chance she gets.  

After we play this a few more times I will start to show her how to sort by shades and not just by color.   

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Activity Bag Exchange...It's Here!!!

Yippee, Charlotte’s Activity Bag Exchange box arrived!   

I posted a few weeks ago about the cross county swap and our contribution {here}.   So many people have asked me about this swap and wanted to know what we received.  Thought I'd share a VERY short list of the first ten or so activities I pulled out of the box: 

Shades of Color
Mr. Potato Head Magnet Activity
Tongue Depressor Puzzles
Magnetic Fishing Color Game
Pom Pom Patterns Activity
Macaroni Necklace Activity
Pony Bead Patterns Activity
Bug Counting Cards & Felt Numbers Game
Felt Cupcake Decorating Kit
Card Making Kit
Shape Hunt & Sort Game
Measure It Activity
Play Dough and Play Mats Activity
ABC Puzzles
Telling Time Pizza Activity

This was a great experience and so far Charlotte has LOVED every activity we’ve done.  Can’t wait to see what she thinks of all 30 activity bags…stay tuned!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Comfort Food

Chicken Broccoli Bake

It’s been a hard couple of weeks and it’s not going to slow down anytime soon.  Enter chicken, broccoli, rice and cheese – how can you go wrong with that?