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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Preschool Activity Bag Exchange

A few days ago I happened upon a blog with a preschool activity bag exchange with other moms across the country, I jumped at it!  Basically you agreed to some guidelines (like keeping each bag around $1.00), are assigned an activity theme (generally fun & educational) and then go to work. 

The main idea is that you (and 29 other cyber friends) make a self-contained activity that fits into a zip top bag. When you need an activity to occupy your bored or too busy kid, you bust it out! Some are great for on-the-go while others are a bit messier and work better at home.  Either way, kids love any new activity so I am super excited for Charlotte.

My project is lacing cards.  I purchased pre cut shapes, laminated, cut out, punched lacing holes in them...almost ready to go.  I will send them off in about a week and after another week a box with 30+ different activity bags will land on my doorstep. Sweet, Sweet Jackpot!

Gotta say these would be great for party favors, classroom holiday exchanges or charity donations.


  1. This is such a cool idea! Charlotte will have a blast with all of the activities! The only thing that you have to worry about is that her genius self will figure them all out in no time :)

  2. Ok - So I know you posted this a year ago, but I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of where you found the group online. I'd love to participate in something like this, or even start one... Thanks!
