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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


On the way to preschool today, Charlotte asked me if I could bring cupcakes to school for snacktime.  I think she was thinking about her school birthday celebration a few weeks ago.  Charlotte was really disappointed to learn that I did not have any cupcakes to bring; we’d not made any…. But I assured her we could make some when we went home later. 

I was very surprised to pick her up from school and some of the first words out of her mouth were that we needed to go “right” home and make cupcakes…she remembered?!?  Sucker for baking with my toddler that I am…off we went!  As soon as we got home she morphed the project into “Making cupcakes for Daddy” so I suggested we add Reese’s Pieces as a surprise.  Halfway through filling the cups, I asked Charlotte to add THREE pieces of candy to each cup.  Mostly just to challenge her to count THREE out each time.  However, true to her spunky self, she insisted on doing FOUR in each cup…with quite a few in her mouth in between!   She did really well counting FOUR out for each cup, only one of the cups got a HANDFUL of candy!   (She also NEEDED to taste every ingredient before it went into the mixing bowl…YES, that INCLUDES the raw eggs, flower, oil, etc.  I think she learned her lesson about the final batter tasting better than each individual ingredient!)

Charlotte was VERY pleased to present her Daddy with a yummy desert when he came home from work.  BUT not so happy that we had to eat dinner before diving into the cupcakes.  Poor kid!

She surprised Wayne and I both by NOT wanting frosting on her cupcake…silly girl!  Anyway, they were YUMMY!  Thanks for the great idea and good work baking, Charlotte!

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