Pages To Visit

Friday, March 18, 2011

Aunt Katie Came To Visit

Today, Charlotte and I (Wayne was working) had a special visit from Aunt Katie!  Katie is back in Orlando for a few days, taking Spring Break from grad school in Boston.  Charlotte was ECSTATIC to put it mildly! 

KATIE's  HOME!!!!!!

We had a fantastic visit and dinner (baked potatoes, spinach and chicken cordon bleu) BUT I definitely felt like the third wheel.  Whenever Katie and I would get-to-talking Charlotte would stand in front of Kate bouncing from foot to foot and shoot me mad faces over her shoulder.  This would continue until Charlotte could get Katie’s attention back on her.  Too funny!  I finally left them alone for a while so they could visit without me – ha! 

Sad Goodbye...smiles but tears too!

There is just such a special mind meld kind of relationship between these two and it is so sweet to see.  We miss you already Kate! 

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