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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Maya

This morning Wayne, Charlotte and I headed over to My Gym in Lake Mary to celebrate Miss Maya’s 3rd Birthday.  Maya and her Mommy are friends from Mommy & Me and the girls have been taking ballet together recently.

What a SUPER FUN party!  The kids had free reign of the gym…were bouncing off the walls with excitement and the result was a feeling of being trapped inside a monkey cage!  :)  They hopped on trampolines, played with (under and over) a hot air balloon silk, flung themselves into the ball pit, swung on a rope swing, walked the balance beam, dangled on uneven bars… and on and on.   

The party was a BLAST for the kids AND for the parents to watch.  

Charlotte really got into the spirit of the party and was laughing so much and, well really squealing with exhilaration.  She surprised me by literally jumping at the chance to ride the rope swing.  It runs the length of the gym and goes pretty fast.  I was sure Charlotte would just want to sit and watch but Wayne says she jumped up and was so excited to ride.  Even with it going really fast she had a smile and held on (T-I-G-H-T) all by herself.  We are so proud of her!!!

Miss Maya was so adorable and like all the kids was just having a BLAST.  She always has a sweet little smile and today was no exception!   

Happy Birthday Maya, thanks for having us! 

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