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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Preschool Christmas Gifts

Tonight, after dinner, Wayne and I let Charlotte open gifts she received from her teachers and classmates. She had a blast and we had to have quick hands to keep her from eating everything in site! What a generous class she has, and so creative! Although, she LOVED all of the gifts I have to say her favorites were the candy canes and gummy Christmas tree pop! Thank you to her teachers and classmates, Charlotte was thrilled to receive her gifts and was so excited to say “Daddy, this is from Jackson” etc. as if we didn’t just read the card to her! :) It might surprise you to know that even in a candy frenzy, Charlotte was very generous and made sure that Wayne and I each had some candy too!

One of her teachers, Mrs. Cannaday, gave the kids puzzles for Christmas so we decided to work on that while we ate candy canes. Charlotte did a really good job and needed very little help, Wayne and I were both so surprised and impressed!

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