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Saturday, April 3, 2010

WPPC Easter Extravaganza

This morning Charlotte and I headed over to Winter Park Presbyterian Church for their annual Easter extravaganza. I say extravaganza because they offer a free pancake breakfast, a telling of the Easter Story, crafts, visits/pictures with the Easter Bunny and of course an (age divided) Easter Egg Hunt! The church very kindly invited the entire preschool to join in the fun – how nice!

I was really excited to take Charlotte and especially talked up meeting the Easter Bunny and the pancakes {she’d eat them every day if she could. Who would have guessed she’d like things with the work “cake” in them.} Unfortunately, all this week while Charlotte has been sick her sleeping/napping has been really inconsistent and this morning she slept in….figures. Part of me really wanted to wake her up {the part that was super excited to see her reactions to the festivities} but my rational sided prevailed and I let the poor baby catch up on her sleep. The church has some scheduling miscommunications so even though we should have been on time for the telling of the Easter Story, Egg Hunt and other festivities – we missed most of it!

They were really nice about everything {we weren’t the only ones who came after the big shebang} and set up more hunts for the kids who missed the first one. Charlotte’s egg hunting tactics were so funny – first Ducky HAD to be in her basket, then she needed to inspect each egg before she would put it in the basket. If the egg contained jewelry she put it on before continuing the hunt. If it had candy inside she ate the candy before moving on to the other eggs…her cheeks were full in no time flat. {Kind of a bummer since I was hoping to confiscate some of the candy…for her own good!} This makes for a cautious and deliberate egg hunt – how very much like Charlotte! I really think this is cute and am sure in the next few years we will see a more competitive technique….

The morning turned out to be much lower key than I’d expected but with Charlotte still in recovery mode this was probably for the best. She had a great time and even let the Easter Bunny give her a kiss!

PS – Photo shoot wise Charlotte really was not working with me…might have been all the candy filled eggs …but, Isn’t Charlotte’s outfit ADORABLE? Nanny surprised Charlotte with this super sweet dress and sandals for her Easter gift! You might be wondering what THE BEST PART is, other than the adorable kid wearing the outfit? Well, the he flowers are POCKETS! Love it, thank you Nanny!

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