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Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9th - Dinner With Justin & Holly

Tonight Justin & Holly came over for dinner. They brought yummy chicken and wild rice soup and bread and WINE! They are my favorite people! :)

We had a very fun and diverse night. We started out in the kitchen, the moved to the back yard {Charlotte HAD to swing!}, the dinner table, Charlotte’s room, the couch/floor, Charlotte’s room {for bedtime stories} then finally back to the couch! That was a lot of “running around” most of which we did to try and keep up with Charlotte. She has not gotten to see Justin or Holly for about two months and was a little shy at first but quickly got into the groove once Justin was willing to push her in the swing – mega pints on Charlotte’s scale! I have to note here for posterity’s sake that Charlotte asked Wayne to hold her purse – and he did! She recently started INSISTING that she NEEDS her purse when she goes out in the back yard but quickly tires of carrying it around. Needless to say Holly, Justin and I were all laughing SO HARD at this turn of events – Wayne, not so much.

Anyway, it was so nice to catch up with them and hear about their Vegas trip. They were sporting a fancy new camera – you know I grilled them about it, right? – so the pictures are ala Justin and Holly. Thanks guys, they turned out great! I think we are back on track with our dinners so we’ll get to see them again in the next few weeks if not before – yippee!

{Wayne: don’t you think I need a fancy camera, seriously these are great photos}

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